Let Us Read As A Habit To Increase Knowledge

Let Us Read As A Habit To Increase Knowlede - August 2016, Bandung city, Indonesia, held an event that promote “Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Kota Bandung” or the act of school literacy in Bandung. This program was proposed by the Bandung educational department in order to increase people interest in reading, writing and other literacy activities in Bandung city especially in school environment.
In this program, students are obligated to read a book for 15 minutes before the class begin. The books that they should read in not only related to their school subjects or curriculum, but also other educative readings such as national figures’ biography or inspirational stories. This reading encouragement program hopefully stimulate student’s reading habit.
Reading Performance (PISA/2013) Boys and Girls Score
   Discussing about reading habit, Finland assumed as the world’s best readers as stated by Mccormick, at stuff4educators.com. He mentioned that Finnish education system provides equal opportunities for education while instilling good reading skills in all of its students. There are several facts related to Finnish’s reading habit:

1. Finnish education system provides equal opportunities for education while instilling good reading skills in all of its students
2. Finland has a culture of learning; it is a reading nation
3. 85% of Finnish families subscribe to a daily newspaper-only Norwegians and Japanese subscribe at a higher rate
4. Typical Finnish family starts the day at the breakfast table by reading the morning paper & commenting on the day’s news
5. The number of books published is high given the size of the population
6. Each Finn borrows 21 library books per year
7. Approximately half of Finnish TV broadcasts are in a foreign language, mostly in English, but Swedish, German. and French programs are popular
8. TV has Finnish subtitles rather than dubbing, so children need to read even when watching TV
9. Children learn to read quickly, their favorite TV shows are much more motivating than any assigned reading in class

   In 2012, Indonesia’s mean score of reading performance was 382 for boys and 410 for girls, which very small compared with Finland (494 for boys and 556 for girls) and Japan (527 for boys and 551 for girls).
   It seems that there are still many homework that Indonesian people should do to increase their reading interest. However, this program is a beginning, hopefully for the next five or ten years, Indonesia will be able to compete close enough with Finland and Japan education system.
   And how about japan? How come Japanese people can have a high rate of reading performance? Mason and Anderson (1989) described how Japanese student learn to read in their report. They mentioned that in most kindergartens, the teacher plans activities that deliberately include many opportunities for reading and writing in hiragana. The activity instructions in learning letters and their sounds is proscribed by the Ministry of Education. They also stated that the activities for informally promoting literacy seemed tasteful and effective.
   In addition, Mason and Anderson (1989) explained that Japanese teachers use more whole-class instruction in reading. They also use deep reading instruction in teaching reading. They stated that “We have never seen lessons for first and second graders in American classrooms that as painstakingly develop meaning as the lessons we saw in Japan.”

Yudhi Suwardhani

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Mason and Anderson (1989).Learning to Read in Japan. Taken from https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/ bitstream/ handle/2142/17512/ ctrstreadtechrepv 01989i00449_opt.pdf (Accessed on 05 November 2016)

Mccormick, Bob. (2015).Education in Finland. Taken from http://stuff4educators.com/index. php?p=1_77_Finland- World-s-Best-Readers (Accessed on 05 November 2016)

OECD (2016), Reading performance (PISA) (indicator). doi: 10.1787/79913c69-en (Accessed on 05 November 2016)

Waluya, Dede. (2016). Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Kota Bandung. Taken from http://www.seputarbandungraya.com/2016/08/gerakan-literasi-sekolah-kota-bandung.html. (Accessed on 05 November 2016)

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